Can't Give Up Noodles Even on a Diet? 3 Recommended Noodle Type With summer approaching, many people are planning their weight loss strategies. While dieting requires careful meal planning, for those who can’t give up their love for noodles, here are three healthy noodle options to consider. 1. Buckwheat Noodles Buckwheat noodles are excellent for weight loss as they don’t spike blood sugar levels like wheat noodles do. When blood sugar levels rise rapidly, the body produces a large amount of insulin to stabilize it. Insulin then converts excess sugar in the blood into fat, leading to weight gain. Buckwheat noodles have a lower glycemic index than wheat noodles and contain a component called "rutin," which helps regulate blood sugar, making them effective for weight loss. According to the Food and Drug Safety Administration’s Food Nutrition Database, buckwheat noodles have 136 kcal per 100g, compared to 135 kcal for the same amount of regular somen noodles. Buckwheat is also rich in nutrients beneficial for weight loss, particularly essential amino acids and vitamins that help prevent obesity. Vitamin P in buckwheat is especially good for burning abdominal fat. When choosing buckwheat noodles, it's best to select products made from 100% buckwheat. 2. Tofu Noodles Tofu noodles are made from tofu, which is rich in plant-based protein, making them ideal for dieting. Unlike animal protein found in meat, plant-based protein in tofu contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. Tofu noodles have about 165 kcal per 100g, but the protein in them provides longer-lasting satiety compared to carbohydrates, aiding in weight loss. Additionally, tofu is high in "isoflavones," plant estrogens that have anti-cancer properties and improve blood circulation. 3. Konjac Noodles Konjac noodles are extremely low in calories, making them perfect for weight loss. Composed mainly of water and dietary fiber, konjac noodles contain only 10 kcal per 100g. The abundant dietary fiber in konjac helps alleviate constipation, a common issue during dieting. The "allicin" component in konjac also helps reduce appetite, aiding in weight loss. However, konjac expands when it absorbs water and is not absorbed by the body, so excessive consumption can lead to bloating, gas, and diarrhea. #HealthyNoodles #WeightLoss #Dieting #BuckwheatNoodles #TofuNoodles #KonjacNoodles #HealthyEating #다이어트 #건강식단 #면요리 All rights reserved Stay14 Bespoke