New Crime Thriller Drama ‘Connection’ The upcoming crime thriller series will feature Ji Sung (The Devil Judge) and Jeon Mi-do (Hospital Playlist) in the lead roles as a detective and reporter duo, respectively, pursuing the truth behind a mysterious death in Anhyeon City. Ji Sung takes on the role of Jang Jae-kyung, a skilled detective in the drug crimes task force at Anhyeon Police Station. Known for his strong principles, he often distances himself from friends, colleagues, and family to avoid any complications in his work. Following the death of a high school friend, he starts to unravel a web of corrupt connections in his town. On the other hand, Jeon Mi-do portrays Oh Yoon-jin, a bold social affairs reporter who cannot ignore injustice. This trait leads to her dismissal from her previous job. She returns to her hometown of Anhyeon and starts working for a local newspaper. With corruption as her new focus, she soon becomes entangled in Jae-kyung's investigation. The rise of SBS's Friday-Saturday drama 'Connection' is remarkable. 'Connection' is a suspense thriller drama that follows the story of Jang Jae-kyung (played by Ji Sung), the ace detective of the narcotics team who is forcibly addicted to drugs by someone and uncovers the truth behind the case. Starting with a 6.1% viewership rating, the drama has set a new record with each episode, reaching 8.2% in just four episodes. Ji Sung has brought the character of Jang Jae-kyung, a detective forcibly addicted to drugs, to life with his phenomenal acting skills, heightening the drama's immersion. His portrayal of bizarre behavior following drug addiction and the gradual deterioration due to drugs was meticulously detailed, delivering a chilling performance. His depiction of withdrawal symptoms was so intense that it left viewers breathless. Additionally, Ji Sung masterfully conveyed the complex emotions of confusion and turmoil as the relationships between characters were revealed as the plot progressed. His adept control of pacing added tension to the drama, and the intense psychological battles with Kwon Yul (as Park Tae-jin) and Won Jong-su (as Kim Kyung-nam) further heightened the intrigue. Critics agree that Ji Sung has once again solidified his reputation as a genre unto himself. #CrimeThriller #JiSung #JeonMiDo #DetectiveStory #MysteryDrama #CorruptionUncovered #SuspenseSeries #ReporterLife #범죄스릴러 #지성 #전미도 All rights reserved Stay14 Bespoke