Spring Cleaning Must-Haves https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/009/0005274729 As the warm spring weather and blooming flowers attract more people, concerns about springtime fine dust are also increasing. Fine dust, although not easily visible, can cause various allergic conditions and, when accumulated in the body, can even lead to respiratory diseases. When the concentration of ultrafine dust reaches 'bad' levels, it's wise to minimize outdoor activities and opt for thorough spring cleaning indoors. Window frames are the first places where external fine dust tends to accumulate. The dust accumulated on window frames can enter the house when you open the windows to ventilate, so it should be the first thing to remove during spring cleaning. Start by spraying hot water onto the window frames to loosen the grime, then use a wooden stick with a wet wipe attached to clean. For hard-to-reach areas, an unused toothbrush can be helpful, and using insect screen filters can also be beneficial. https://minishop.gmarket.co.kr/dhcommerce After thoroughly removing the dust from the window frames, using an electrostatic cleaning cloth indoors can effectively remove fine dust. The 'Jeongjungi Cleaning Cloth,' known for its high dust trapping power using static electricity-induced fabric, can capture everything from small dust particles to pet hair. It features a double-sided thick fabric that can be easily used from a pouch type, compatible with standard pole mops. https://www.bizwnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=78120 Using an air purifier after cleaning can help maintain a more pleasant indoor environment. The 'Wells Air Garden Air Purifier' from Kyowonwells enhances air purification performance by incorporating an aerosol fan that minimizes noise while maximizing suction power and a traditional eaves-shaped intake port motif. It also comes with various features such as pet care function for managing pet hair and odor and a quiet mode for maintaining a peaceful environment. Fine dust floating in the air can cling to clothes, causing discomfort. To eliminate invisible fine dust effectively, it's helpful to switch to products that are effective in removing fine dust when doing laundry. https://www.coupang.com 'Actz Premium Gel' from Pigeon is an excellent laundry detergent for removing various stains as well as fine dust and pollutants. It uses an eight-complex enzyme to thoroughly remove stains from daily life. It decomposes and removes various ingredients such as sebum, sweat, blood, cosmetics, and sauces. https://www.lotteon.com/p/product/LM8801101889189?mall_no=4&sitmNo=LM8801101889189_001&ch_no=100167&ch_dtl_no=1000528 Additionally, using dedicated detergents during thorough cleaning can help remove stubborn grime more effectively. 'Antibacterial and Antifungal Lux Spray Detergent' from Pigeon helps to remove water stains, crevice molds, and mold odors caused by moisture in one easy spray application. It can be used on various bathroom surfaces such as toilet bowls, sinks, bathtubs, and tiles. Being spray-type, it is easy to use without the need for scrubbing. For stubborn stains, you can use a scrub brush or sponge, and it can be rinsed off with cold water within an hour. https://www.dailysecu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=144744 Using a bathroom cleaner makes cleaning more convenient. The 'Full Spin Cordless Bathroom Cleaner PLUS' from Bonac is a product that addresses the drawbacks of bathroom cleaners that are prone to breaking and malfunctioning due to their rapid rotation speed. With a locking function, the cleaner remains stable during use, ensuring a thorough and secure cleaning process, without the risk of it becoming loose or breaking easily. #SpringCleaning #HealthyLiving #DustRemoval #HomeCare #CleanAir #ActzPremiumGel #IndoorWellness #WellsAirGardenAirPurifier #락스세제 #보나크 #욕실청소 All rights reserved Stay14 Bespoke