Movie : 'The Plot' The movie "The Designer(in Korean)" (released on May 29) reveals its identity through its title. It literally talks about someone who designs. So, what is being designed? If you check the English title of this work, the meaning becomes clear: "The Plot." The word "plot" has meanings of both a story's structure and a conspiracy. This clarifies that "The Designer" looks into someone who creates conspiracies (stories). Why is this significant? The reason for highlighting this obvious point is that the movie's title is particularly intriguing. "The Designer" is a remake. The original film is "Accident," directed by Cheang Pou-soi in 2010. The remake and the original share many similarities in their outlines. However, the title grabs attention. "Accident" means an unplanned event, something that happens without any forethought. It's common for remakes to have different titles from the originals, but choosing a word with an opposite meaning is rare. Therefore, the title "The Designer" must carry special significance. It seems the remake is drawing a line from the original, indicating that it is different. Yeong-il (played by Kang Dong-won) is a contract killer. His method is unique: he doesn't kill directly. Yeong-il collaborates with his colleagues to stage accidents, ensuring that his targets get caught in these accidents and die. Their murders thus become perfect crimes. Yeong-il, who oversees and directs all these operations, is therefore called "The Designer." Meticulous and flawless, Yeong-il's life begins to unravel when an inexplicable event occurs. During the assassination of a high-ranking government official, an unexpected accident results in the death of one of his colleagues. Yeong-il senses that this was a planned murder and starts his own investigation. As previously mentioned, "The Designer" shares many similarities with the original film but expands and alters some settings to broaden the story's scope and themes. While "Accident" focuses on the individual, "The Designer" extends its focus to both the individual and society through these additions and changes. The original portrays the fragmented self of the protagonist, reflecting the distrust and anxiety of modern individuals. In contrast, the remake incorporates the theme of conspiracy theories to depict a distorted society. Consequently, "The Designer" appears more maximalist compared to the minimalist original. Seeing the new aspects that differentiate the remake from the original seems to be a key point of interest in watching this movie. #ThePlot #MovieRemake #Thriller #Conspiracy #KangDongWon #PerfectCrime #PlotTwist #Suspense #영화 #리메이크 #설계자 #음모론 All rights reserved Stay14 Bespoke