Waste Separation and Garbage Bags in Korea Where to Buy and How to Sort Korea has a strict waste management system that includes the use of various types of bags. The main categories are Volume-Based Waste Bags (종량제 봉투), Recycling Bags (재활용 봉투), and Food Waste Bags (음식물 쓰레기 봉투). Each type of bag is designated for specific waste, and improper use can result in fines. This article explains where to buy these bags and how to properly separate waste. https://infoboda.mouda.net/299 1. Volume-Based Waste Bags (종량제 봉투) https://mediahub.seoul.go.kr/archives/1230841 Volume-Based Waste Bags are used for general waste, and the fee is based on the volume of waste being disposed of. Residents must use the bags designated by their local administrative district. These bags are typically available in various sizes, such as 10 liters, 20 liters, and 50 liters. Where to Buy These bags can be purchased at community centers, local government offices, convenience stores, supermarkets, and other designated locations. It is important to use the bags specified by the local district to ensure compliance. Sorting Guidelines General waste, which excludes recyclable items and food waste, should be disposed of in these bags. Mixing recyclables or food waste in these bags can result in fines. 2. Recycling Bags (재활용 봉투) https://www.daisomall.co.kr/pd/pdr/SCR_PDR_0001?pdNo=1042384 Recycling Bags are used for recyclable materials like plastic, cans, paper, and glass. In Korea, recyclables should not be placed in volume-based waste bags but should be separated and disposed of properly. Where to Buy Generally, recycling bags are not required to be purchased separately. Recyclables are sorted and placed in designated collection areas in homes or apartment complexes. Additional Details If there is no separate collection area for recyclables, you can use clear plastic bags to dispose of them. Place the recyclables in the clear bag, tie it securely, and leave it at the designated collection point. These clear bags can be purchased at stores like Daiso or supermarkets. They come in various sizes such as 20 liters, 50 liters, and 70 liters, so choose the size that best suits your needs. Sorting Guidelines Items such as plastic, paper, glass bottles, cans, and styrofoam should be separated and placed in the appropriate recycling bins or bags. Before disposal, items should be rinsed clean, and labels or stickers should be removed. https://www.daisomall.co.kr/pd/pdr/SCR_PDR_0001?pdNo=1042384 3. Food Waste Bags (음식물 쓰레기 봉투) https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20150805153500004 Food Waste Bags are used for food scraps and leftovers. Food waste is processed separately from general waste and is often recycled into compost or animal feed. Where to Buy Food waste bags can be purchased at designated locations similar to volume-based waste bags. These bags also come in various sizes. Sorting Guidelines Food waste should be disposed of in these specialized bags and should not be mixed with general waste. It's important to drain excess liquid from the food waste and avoid including non-food items (such as plastic or chopsticks) in these bags. After placing food waste in these bags, they should be securely tied and disposed of at designated collection points. https://www.gukjenews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=178457 Waste separation is an important environmental policy in Korea. Households are required to properly use Volume-Based Waste Bags, Recycling Bags, and Food Waste Bags according to the type of waste being disposed of. These bags can be purchased according to local regulations, and compliance with these sorting guidelines is essential for everyone. Proper waste separation and the use of designated bags are crucial for environmental protection and maintaining clean communities. If you don’t have a designated recycling collection area, remember to use clear plastic bags for recyclables. For food waste, always use the designated food waste bags and ensure they are disposed of at the appropriate location. #한국쓰레기분리 #VolumeBasedWasteBags #재활용봉투 #RecyclingBags #음식물쓰레기봉투 #FoodWasteBags #환경보호 #EnvironmentProtection #분리수거 #WasteSeparation #지속가능성 #Sustainability #친환경생활 #EcoFriendlyLife #클린코리아 #CleanKorea All rights reserved Stay14 Bespoke