8 Kinds of Korean Traditional Things Hello guys :) Today Stay14 wanted to share some fascinating aspects of Korean traditions with you! Korea boasts a rich cultural heritage that has been shaped over centuries. Here are a few highlights! Let's find out!!! 1. Hanbok https://www.ajunews.com/view/20210417172336257 The elegant Korean traditional clothing, known as Hanbok, showcases vibrant colors and graceful designs. It's worn on special occasions like weddings, Lunar New Year, and traditional festivals. 2. Bowing https://jmagazine.joins.com/art_print.php?art_id=293757 https://v.daum.net/v/kgDBkUoEF1?f=p Bowing is an essential gesture in Korea, used to show respect and gratitude. The depth and angle of the bow can vary depending on the situation and the person you're addressing. 3. Kimchi https://www.smartlifetv.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=11961 A staple in Korean cuisine, kimchi is a fermented vegetable dish, usually made with napa cabbage and a spicy seasoning. It's not just food, it's a symbol of Korean culture. 4. Tea Culture https://www.kocis.go.kr/kocc/view.do?seq=1041201&page=51&pageSize=10&photoPageSize=6&totalCount=0&searchType=menu0023&searchText= Korean tea ceremonies emphasize tranquility and mindfulness. Green tea, in particular, is an integral part of Korean culture and is often enjoyed during contemplative moments. 5. Hangeul https://www.donga.com/news/article/all/20210609/107336237/1 The Korean writing system, known as Hangeul, was created to promote literacy among commoners. It's considered one of the most scientific and efficient writing systems in the world. 6. Seollal and Chuseok https://www.koreanculture.jp/korean/info_news_view.php?number=1395 https://www.moneys.co.kr/news/mwView.php?no=2021090105258068348&type=4&code=w1602&VRN These are the two most important traditional holidays. Seollal (Lunar New Year) and Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) are times for family reunions, paying respects to ancestors, and sharing traditional foods. 7. Taekwondo https://www.joongang.co.kr/article/25149235#homehttp://www.tkdbox.com/%EB%82%98%ED%83%9C%EC%A3%BC-%EC%9E%AC%EB%8A%A5%EA%B8%B0%EB%B6%80-%ED%83%9C%EA%B6%8C%EB%8F%84-%ED%99%9C%EC%84%B1%ED%99%94-%EA%B3%B5%EC%9D%B8%EC%BA%A0%ED%8E%98%EC%9D%B8-%EA%B4%91%EA%B3%A0-%EC%B4%AC/ A Korean martial art, Taekwondo focuses on self-defense, discipline, and physical and mental strength. It's not only a sport but also a way of life. 8. Traditional Games https://www.koya-culture.com/news/article.html?no=137931https://et21.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=board_04&wr_id=7261 https://m.blog.naver.com/kspo2011/221450036583 Games like Yutnori and Jegichagi are part of Korean folk culture. Yutnori involves throwing sticks and is often played during Lunar New Year, while Jegichagi is a game of kicking a shuttlecock-like object. All right reserved Stay14 Bespoke