The March 1st Independence Movement Day The day on which the nation's independence was declared to the whole world출처 : 국민일보 Today is the Sam-il-jeol which is called The March 1st Independence Movement Day.It's a national holiday commemorating Sam-il Movement. 'Sam-il' Movement was a protest movement by Korean people and students calling for independence from Japan, and protesting forced assimilation into the Japanese way of life.Thirty-three Korean cultural and religious leaders(who were independence activists) issued the Declaration of Independence, supported by thousands of students and civilians in many other cities of Korea. They were brutally suppressed about 7,500 killed and 16,000 wounded, and 46,000 arrested.Korean commemorate and cherish patriots who died while fighting for the independence of Korea. The 3.1 Movement was the largest national movement that appeared during the Japanese colonial period as an anti-Japanese movement that took place on March 1, 1919 to resist Japan's unauthorized rule.Section 3.1 commemorating the 3.1 movement and spirit has been designated as a national holiday since the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and has become a central axis of the anti-Japanese movement during the Japanese colonial period. Caption3.1운동 당시 사진(1960) Caption3.1운동 당시 광경(1968) In general, the commemorative events in Section 3.1 are divided into official events attended by government officials and commemorative events led by members of the Liberation Association, which is formed by the bereaved families of martyred martyrs and patriotic activists. The memorial ceremony is held at Tapgol Park (Pagoda Park), as this is the birthplace of the March 1st Movement, in which the Declaration of Independence was read in 1919 and people hurrayed for Korean independence. At that time, the 33 national representatives decided to read the Declaration of Independence at Tapgol Park, but moved to Taehwagwan in Insa-dong for fear of Japan's military entry. Students and citizens gathered at Tapgol Park at this time read the Declaration of Independence on their own and held demonstrations by marching to Jongno, Seoul Station, Jeong-dong, Ihwadang, and Seodaemun. Afterwards, the independence movement expanded overseas, but was mercilessly suppressed by the Japanese Empire. Caption3월1일(독립일) 기념축하식 거행에 관한 건(1948) All rights reserved : &